Sunday, May 08, 2005

All your base are belong to US

From Jane's Defence Industry:
Defence expenditure in the US will equal that of the rest of the world combined within 12 months, making it "increasingly pressing" for European contractors to develop a "closer association" with the US, corporate finance group PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) says.

Its report - 'The Defence Industry in the 21st Century' by PwC's global aerospace and defence leader Richard Hooke - adds that "the US is in the driving seat", raising the prospect of a future scenario in which it could "dominate the supply of the world's arms completely".

The US defence budget reached US$417.4 billion in 2003 - 46 per cent of the global total.

What can I say about that?

Yeah, it's breathtaking. Maybe I should be glad that there's no global Manifest Destiny movement in this country.

Oh wait, there totally is.

The original Manifest Destiny was the concept, popular with US Americans in the 1840s, that we were on a mission from God to extend the US border from sea to shining sea.

Today, it's less a desire to do that on a global scale than a desire to spread 'democracy' and 'freedom' to the whole world. Our current president and his administration are strong advocates of this 'crusade.'

A truly free, democratic world is an idea I find attractive, but when it becomes such a valued end that all means are justified, that's where I get off.

By all means, I'm referring mainly to
  • Pre-emptive bombing and invading;


  • Discarding international law and agreements. Specifically on my mind right now is the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Yes, it's true that we're not the only nuclear power clinging to our nuclear weapons, but we are the only power actively developing new ones.
Even if our methods were lily pure, would this be the right goal for us to pursue? Surely our country isn't perfect yet, or even close.

Unless the goal is a nation of 'sheeple,' who do little but work and consume, without questioning (much less challenging) the policies of their corporately-financed political leadership -- in which case I guess we are pretty much perfect after all.

Forgive my cynicism, if you can. I need to stop playa hatin' the Bush administration and instead propose some solutions.

Okay, try this: instead of attempting to rule the world with tanks and warheads, let's create a truly just, equitable and sustainable society, one in which everyone's rights are honored, one in which the natural environment is cherished, one in which everyone has what they need and are satisfied with it. Let's build that, and then see if the rest of the world doesn't beat a path to our door.

What do you say?


Blogger Gael said...

What can I say? Lets do it!!!
Sad to say Bush's buddy Tony is still in the driving seat here, so its unlikely there'll be much help from the UK on a global political level (thats Political with a big P).

BTW, I like the word "sheeple".

09 May, 2005 13:24  
Blogger MT said...

Yeah, and while we're at it let's all pick some bumper sticker other than this one

10 May, 2005 06:42  
Blogger This Blogger said...

gael: the real question is "How?" Right now people like you and me are part of a growing number who want to make positive change -- but we don't yet have a political party that suits our desires. Both parties in this country are owned and operated by major corporations, and I don't think the situation is much better in the UK, is it? How do we move forward from here?

murky thoughts: yes! I agree with you, on several levels. Jesus was a great moral teacher, but I don't want to live in 'Jesustan.' Faith and politics shouldn't be one and the same. Besides -- Jesus? A Republican? Give me a break, people!

10 May, 2005 11:35  

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