Sunday, May 15, 2005

Slap Shots

No plans for a draft? Then why are people being asked to volunteer for draft boards?

From Reading In The Dark:
Dear Diana,

I appreciate your interest in becoming Local Board Member with the United States Selective Service System (SSS). In order to proceed with this process please complete the SSS Potential Board Member Information Form. On the Oath of Office and Waiver of Pay page please complete just the top half.

Upon receipt of the completed forms, I will contact you by telephone to conduct an informal interview… I appreciate your patriotism and interest in serving your community and your nation by serving with the Selective Service System.

Think it's a joke? Not according to the Selective Service System:

Says Diana:
That breeze you feel? is the draft.


CNN's Quick Vote Question, Saturday May 14, 2005:

"Are suspected al Qaeda members outside war zones legitimate targets for U.S. military strikes?"

As of about 7:00 PM Saturday, 85% of respondents said 'yes.' I didn't answer. Is this a war? If so, then why aren't we treating captured prisoners like Prisoners of War?


Do you think Free Trade is a good idea? If so, you're probably in favor of the proposed US-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA).

From the San Jose Mercury News [requires registration; link may expire soon]:
Concerned about democracy? CAFTA, like NAFTA, authorizes foreign corporations to challenge U.S. laws and regulations that might stand in the way of profits. Using a similar ``investors' rights'' rule under NAFTA, for example, the Canadian company Methanex is protesting California's order to remove the carcinogen MTBE from our gasoline. No one questions that MTBE is a health hazard. The problem is that it's also a moneymaker for Methanex. If the United States loses the case, taxpayers will be liable for millions in damages, payable directly to Methanex.
Betcha didn't know that, didya? We need to demand Fair Trade, trade which improves worker and environmental protections, not which weakens or destroys them.


Finally, whatever happened to That's Robert Lind's Website; he's the guy behind those "I'm Changing the Climate! Ask Me How." bumper stickers for SUVs. He (or at least his site) seems to have vanished. Anyone have a clue?


Blogger Gael said...

"Are suspected al Qaeda members outside war zones legitimate targets for U.S. military strikes?"
Its quite scary that so many people are happy to support violence. I mean those for AND against Al Qaeda. When did violence ever solve anything? Does smacking children halp them to grow into caring human beings? Or, like the boy who used to live near me who was regularly beaten by his alcolholic father and is now in prison himself for smashing people's windows (and other anti-social behaviour) do they grow up to be angry, dissatisfied, dangerous individuals?

And as for the US taxpayer paying damages to Methanex, we are all paying with our health and the futures of the next generations for the despoiling of our planet. Methanex is wrong, as are so many other big companies & governments who put profits before the wellbeing of the environment and all the creatures in it. Makes me shake my head in wonder at the shortsightedness and greed.

23 May, 2005 15:21  

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